The New Inventors
Hosted by radio broadcaster and comedian James O'Loghlin, The New Inventors will, each Wednesday night, present the new millennium's answer to the Hills Hoist, the wine cask, the ute and the bionic ear - building up to the grand final extravaganza in November. Be spellbound by the latest contemporary creations from the new generation of inventors, innovators and designers beavering away in their studios, sheds, laboratories and kitchens. Take a peep at tomorrow’s objects of desire as The New Inventors showcases products from the emerging artists of the future. Celebrate the art of invention and design in 2007 as each week three inventors pitch their prototypes to a panel of Australia's leading architects, designers, engineers, scientists and new media specialists, who will evaluate the idea on the merits of its originality, design qualities, manufacturing potential, pricing, marketability, safety and the critical 'need' factor. The New Inventors will also feature segments on treasures from the past - products, ideas and designs - embraced, and sometimes discarded, by the Australian public. Each episode will also have short segments from the creative world of design and invention - from international news and trade secrets, to the unsung heroes of design and innovation. We'll also be delving into our secret love of objects to find the coveted things people just cannot live without. Viewers will be able to nominate their favourite invention throughout the series - culminating in the season finale 'people's choice'.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on ABC1 |
- Season 1
- Season 6
- Season 7
- Season 8
- Season 2010