Wimzie's House
Wimzie's House, an educationally entertaining series for preschool kids, premiered on YTV Canada 11 September 1995. Its PBS debut occurred 1 September 1997, after the series' production ended. The series presented the delightful adventures of Wimzie, a playful five-year-old puppet monster; her baby brother, Bo; her parents, Gratziella and Rouso-a bird/airplane pilot and dragon/firefighter, respectively; her lively 150-year-old grandmother Yaya, and her adorable puppet monster friends. Together, they learned skills of caring and sharing at Wimzie's House-a home daycare center unlike any other. Through unforgetable learning adventures and original toe-tapping sing-along songs, young viewers were introduced to topics like friendship, generosity, jealousy, diversity, and sibling rivalry, all from a preschooler's point of view. The award-winning series was created with a renowned team of educational advisors and designed to nurture children's sense of identity, expand their relationships, stimulate their curiousity, and encourage self-expression and self-esteem.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on A&E |
- Season 1
- Season 2