The War of STYX
In the year 2078 AD, an alien species known as the "Sighers" invaded Earth. After a ten-year struggle, humanity invented the ultimate weapon, "Mopei," which finally wiped out the Sighers, but at the cost of devastating the surface environment. The surviving humans were forced to retreat underground and renamed the calendar after "Mopei." Hundreds of years after the apocalypse, humanity is divided into two warring factions on the Broken Bone Continent: the "Odro Republic" and the "Liberation Front." Osso, the "Wolf Leader" who overthrew the hereditary monarchy to become the new king of the Odro Republic, and Mohan, the "Crow Leader" who toppled a tyrant to seize Bloodbone City and establish the Liberation Front, are locked in a battle of howls and wings. The fate of the entire Broken Bone Continent will be shaken by the destined clash between Osso and Mohan.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Upcoming | Airs on | 12:00 AM