Sydney Harbour Force
This series follows the struggles and triumphs of a dedicated law-enforcement team policing the largest – and one of the busiest – natural harbours on the planet. Home to the famous Harbour Bridge and Opera House, Sydney Harbour is one of the most iconic waterways on the planet. Spanning 55 square kilometres, with 240 kilometres of shoreline, it houses myriad fascinating features. National parks, breath-taking private residences, a fortified island, a zoo and the official residence of Australia’s Prime Minister, all call this beautiful precinct home. The living and breathing waterway buzzes with activity year-round, with harbour ferries, cruise ships, party boats, cruising yachts and tall ships all relying on it each and every day.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Continuing | Airs on Discovery+ | 12:00 AM
- Season 1