The Flowers of Passion: Stories from the Japanese Underground Idol Scene
“The Flowers of Passion: Stories from the Japanese Underground Idol Scene” is a 5 episode mini-documentary series by documentary film maker, Derek Vasconi. The documentary is an in-depth, honest film series that seeks to answer, why, exactly do these girls become Japanese idols? And what does it mean to be a Japanese idol who performs in the underground club scene in Tokyo? Filmed from August of 2019 to January of 2020, several idols and idol groups share their reasons for joining the sub-culture of the underground idol scene, as well as demonstrate what it is that they do; namely, singing, dancing, and helping to try and make the world smile, even while trying to pursue their own happiness and dreams. This docuseries is a very intimate and behind-the-scenes look of what it means to work in the Japanese idol industry, both from the perspective of the idols, as well as those who manage, produce, support, and promote idols.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on | 12:00 AM
- Season 1