Red Shirts

Red Shirts

Inspired by Star Trek, Red Shirts is a sci-fi/comedy webseries about life, love and, most of all, survival. Ensigns Bostwick, Garibaldi, Monroe and Barry signed up for the Interplanetary Space Academy for one reason: to see the universe. Now that they are ready to board the I.S.C. Bichon space cruiser, there's only one problem: they have the worst and most dangerous job in the galaxy! Space is likely their final frontier and their mission is to survive the odds. Starring Nick Armstrong (Parks and Rec), Heather Barr (The Duel), Meghan Falcone (Californication, Joe Schmo), Shannon McKain (Transformers: Rescue Bots), Arnie Pantoja (Hamlet 2), Brandon Henry Rodriguez (Vampire Bats) and Deanna Russo (Satisfaction, Being Human). Created by Benjamin Warren and Ryan Gowland Written and Produced By Benjamin Warren and Ryan Gowland Directed by Ryan Gowland

0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on YouTube | 12:00 AM

  • Season 1
  • Season 2