WACO Wearable Art Gala

WACO Wearable Art Gala

The WACO Theater Center is dedicated to the empowerment of artists, and people in general, within a diversified pool of our LA communities and beyond. We encourage artists to find their true purpose and awaken their own individual power source, which fuels their art. As Pablo Picasso said: “The meaning of life is to find our gift. The purpose of life is to give it away”. Through the well-crafted guidance of our artistic directors, Richard Lawson & Tina Knowles Lawson, hundreds of artists and others will learn to reach tangible goals by applying a systematic road-map that allows them to put their dreams into action, resulting in monetizing their unique talent no matter what their ages are. “Dreams don’t have expiration dates.

0 trackers | Status: Continuing | Airs on Oprah Winfrey Network |

  • Season 1