Scootertrix the Abridged
My Little Pony: Scootertrix the Abridged is an abridged series created by Jack Getschman from Scootertrix Studios. The series follows the episodic structure of MLP with ten-minute episodes, but from an abridging standpoint is quite unique in nature. Scootertrix often makes it's episodes completely different from the original content and gradually develops a more serious story arc involving a WWI-esc conflict. Though not obvious in the beginning of the series, a recurring arc begins to make appearances down the line and small details in earlier episodes suddenly become relevant. Another unusual aspect of Scootertrix is that it is far more dramatic than your typical abridged series, and includes developing characters, continuity, and plot twists. Scootertrix is also known for it's heavy fourth wall breaking, to the point where the fourth wall is an integral part in the overall story arc. Scootertrix also tends to stray away from common tropes while, on occasion, referencing and poking fun at other popular abridged series.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on YouTube |
- Season 1