Royals on the Frontline

Royals on the Frontline

The Royals hold over 100 military titles between them, and five generations of Windsor's have served in the forces, several on the front line. Royals on the Frontline follows the timeline of the Royal Family from the early 20th Century with WW2 to the modern-day conflicts such as Afghanistan. Stories include the familiar such as Prince Harry's evacuation from the frontline when his position was revealed by the press or the reasons behind Prince Edward leaving the Royal Marines mid training, to the more unknown such as Prince Andrew's helicopter decoy exploits in the Falklands or our Queen's rebellion against her father by joining the ATS in WW2. Over the course of this series these three compelling episodes aim to give the audience an unprecedented insight into the Royals and the armed services that fight in their name.

0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on UKTV Yesterday | Monday 8:00 PM

  • Season 1