Kamen Rider Den-O: Imagin Anime
Animate in conjunction with Ishimori Productions, TV Asahi, ADK, and Toei, have produced a series of OVA shorts for Kamen Rider Den-O titled Kamen Rider Den-O: Collection DVD: "Imagin Anime" (仮面ライダー電王 コレクションDVD「イマジンあにめ」, Kamen Raidā Den'ō Korekushon Dī Bui Dī Imajin Anime) featuring super deformed (aka chibi) versions of the main Imagin that have been used in Animate's products for the series. A second set of animated shorts called Imagin Anime 2 (イマジンあにめ 2, Imajin Anime Tsū) was released for sale on November 22, 2008, including cameos by the Wolf and the Ghost Imagin. A third set of animated shorts called Imagin Anime 3 (イマジンあにめ 3, Imajin Anime Surī) was to be released in December 2009, but has been pushed back to Spring 2010 and then again to October 21, 2010. This miniseries made more references to other Toei shows and included Ultraman Taro making a cameo appearance, although referred to the anime by the Imagin as "Ultraman Taros".
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on TV Asahi |
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 3