The Making and Breaking of Europe

The Making and Breaking of Europe

In this two-part series, A-jazeera explores the interwoven history of the European project and the far right in postwar Europe – both East and West. Beginning with the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community from the ashes of World War II, we chart the trajectory of European integration, in tandem with the story of the European far right, recounting the series of shifts that have led to today’s critical juncture: a post-Brexit European Union and a stark rise in support for far right, populist parties across Europe. The series traces how far right politics have increasingly crept into the mainstream, setting the political agenda on issues such as the EU, immigration and refugee policies. Combining documentary storytelling with panel discussion, the series comprises both historical exposition and incisive analysis on the history and future of Europe.

0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on Al Jazeera |

  • Season 1