Royal Institution Lectures
These are lectures given at the Royal Institution which are published on YouTube & Soundcloud some months after recording. Note 1: the release dates of the episodes are the dates on which the lecture has taken place, not when it has been released on YouTube. Note 2: some lectures have been recorded, but have not been published yet. These yet unpublished episodes are marked with [NYP] (not yet published) in their title. Some recordings are only available as audio recordings, those episodes are marked with [Podcast]. Source: http://www.rigb.org/whats-on STATUS: STILL IN PROGRESS - PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING UNTILL I'M DONE UPDATING :-) => Seasons that are complete: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015. (2016 till 2019 is WIP)
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on YouTube |
- Season 2011
- Season 2012
- Season 2013
- Season 2014
- Season 2015
- Season 2017
- Season 2018