The plot begins in 1995 in Rio de Janeiro, when Stella (Luíza Tomé) and Freddy (Giuseppe Oristânio) discover that their youngest daughter, Drica (Luma Costa), mysteriously disappeared during a kidnapping attempt on her fifth birthday. The girl is found unconscious in the middle of a storm on Saquarema beach by Agenor (Leonardo Brício), a simple fisherman and full of secrets, and ends up repressing the memory of everything that happened due to the trauma. She is raised as a child of blood by Agenor and his wife, Eliana (Patricia França), who had a daughter of the same age who died a few months earlier and believe the girl was sent by sea to heal the scars – naming her with Rosa's name, the same as the deceased child. After 11 years, Rosa became an expert surfer and sells shrimp on the beach to help her family, experiencing a confused feeling for Vicente (Eduardo Pires), whom she believes is her blood brother.

0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on Record | Daily 8:00 PM

  • Season 1