

Based on a series of illustrated books by Val Biro, Gumdrop is an Austin Clifton Heavy Twelve-Four of 1926. The stories revolve around Gumdrop and his owner, initially the younger Bill McArran, but for most of the series, the more senior Mr Oldcastle (later joined by Horace the Dog). The plots often involve the search for replacement parts for Gumdrop. Val Biro wrote the stories from the late 1960s to the 1980s. The main series of books, all fully illustrated in colour by Biro, ran to at least seventeen titles, with a further twelve (at least) "Gumdrop Little Books" also published in the 1980s. Whilst Gumdrop's adventures are fictional, the car is not. Biro and Gumdrop were frequent visitors to car shows and other events in Sussex, England, and surrounding area. Biro was seen driving Gumdrop in the television documentary "100 Year Old Drivers", broadcast on ITV on 13 August 2014, shortly after Biro's death.

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  • Season 1