Sweet Home Oklahoma
This docuseries follows an eccentric group of friends who navigate life in Oklahoma City, a city the friends proudly embrace but from which they unabashedly stand out. With no boundaries, the friends talk frankly while discussing burning issues, both amongst themselves and in the world at large. Jennifer, a Dallas native whose family moved to Oklahoma City when she was young, grew up on a ranch and now works as an interior designer; she is called "The Sheriff" by her friends because of her natural tendency to take charge. Her ex-husband, Josh, is working hard to get back to his family and make amends after becoming sober following a struggle with addiction. He has been friends for more than 20 years with Angie, who practices marriage and family law while raising her three kids with her ex-husband. The fourth member of the group is Lee, who moved back to her hometown following the birth of her oldest son after spending time living in San Francisco and Boston.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on Bravo | Friday 9:00 PM
- Season 1
- Season 2