Detective Office 5
Detective Office 5 is a detective noir TV series created by Maiku Hama, Kaizo Hayashi, and Hiroki Ohwada that centers on a detective agency, where all the agents are given a nomenclature ranging in the 500s, as they investigate crimes ranging from murders to smuggling to lovers scorned in a way only shady, trench-coated mysterious figures can. Detective Office 5 was established and run by 500 or rather the Chairman of the Detective Boys; he tends to run his establishment with a strong hand and a nod to the classic skills needed by the shadowy sleuths, such as disguise, fighting skills, and a keen eye to the unspoken truths. Each episode of Detective Office 5 focuses on the back story and drama of each member, leading up to the deadly and dangerous world where it shows that times do not change.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on |
- Season 1