Rebel Angel
Rebel Angel," also known in Spanish as "Angel Rebelde," is a 2004 telenovela that originally aired on Venevision in Venezuela. Can a loving couple from a modest background be torn apart by the whims of a wealthy family? Lucia (Grettel Valdez) and Raul (Victor Noriega) are in love and devoted to each other. But when Lucia gets a job working in the mansion of Dona Enriqueta Covarrubias, their relationship is put to the ultimate test. Cristal (Maritza Rodriguez), a granddaughter of Dona Enriqueta, falls in love with Raul and will stop at nothing to break up his relationship with Lucia. After Lucia gives birth to Raul’s twins, she finds out that he has married Cristal. Lucia also discovers unknown family secrets that tie her to the Covarrubias family in unexpected ways. Will Lucia seek revenge on the powerful family for ruining her life as well as her family’s?
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on Venevision | Daily 1:00 PM
- Season 1