Wild Cat
"Wild Cat," also known in Spanish as "Gata Salvaje", is a telenovela that first aired on Venevision in Venezuela and on Univision in the United States in mid-2002. A young woman loses her innocence after a wealthy ranch heir marries her and then leaves her, but will her jealous vengeance transform her into a wild animal? Rosaura Rios (Marlene Favela) carries the burden of supporting her poor family by working on the wealthy Arismendi’s family ranch by day and as a bartender by night. When she saves Luis Mario Arismendi (Mario Cimarro) from a plane crash, she falls in love with him, and they marry. But Eduarda (Mara Croatto), Luis Mario’s sister, wants her brother to marry the beautiful Eva Granados (Carolina Tejera) because her wealth could save their family ranch from financial ruin. As Eduarda and Eva’s evil plans successfully break up Luis Mario and Rosaura’s marriage, Rosaura is left penniless and pregnant. However, a strange twist of fate allows Rosaura to inherit a grandmother’s wealth, and she is transformed into a polished, cold woman who is intent on revenge against the Arismendi family. But can Rosaura bury her true feelings for Luis Mario to hurt him?
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on Venevision | Weekdays 8:30 PM
- Season 1