Lady Maid Maid
"Lady Maid Maid" is a Taiwanese drama series that began airing on SETTV in November 2012 and runs for 67 episodes. Xiao Jie (Nicholas Teo) is an unapologetic Casanova who moves from one short-term affair to the next without a second thought. But his womanizing catch up with him when a little girl arrives one day and claims to be his daughter. Dumbfounded, Jie doesn’t know quite how to handle the situation. Trying to help him is Shu Qi (Reen Yu), a woman who has always been there for him to get him out of scrapes and clean up after his lothario ways. Despite his faults, Jie has always been Qi’s Prince Charming. When Qi was little, her father passed away, leaving her family destitute. Jie’s family took in her family until they could get back on their feet. Qi has always been willing to do anything for Jie because she fell madly in love with him. But with an unexpected child in his life, can Jie reform his ways?
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on SET TV |
- Season 1