Chinese Expeditionary Force

Chinese Expeditionary Force

After the Pearl Harbor incident in December 1941, China, the United States, and Britain became allies in the Second World War. Colonel Han Shaogong and Xie Xiaozhang of the Chinese Expeditionary Force went to Burma together. They experienced the defeat of the Chinese and British coalition forces in Northern Burma, experienced the great sacrifices of our soldiers such as Dai Anlan, and experienced the great Chinese Expeditionary Force’s counterattack in northern Myanmar and western Yunnan. victory. The play takes the Sino-Myanmar and Indian theaters in the Pacific battlefield of the World Anti-Fascist War as the background, and uses the fate of the three generations of the Han family as the main line. As a whole, it reproduces the magnificent picture of the National Anti-Japanese War in which the Kuomintang and the Communist Party united to resist foreign aggression.

0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on CCTV |

  • Season 1