Virgin Galactic
Virgin Galactic is the National Geographic documentary series that follows the development of the world's first commercial sub-orbital spacecraft. The project is a company within Richard Branson's Virgin Group, initiated by Sir Richard Branson and Burt Rutan, who's dreams of going to space gave them the idea to develop the first space tourism company. They plan to develop a six passenger, two pilot craft that will overlap the atmosphere at 70,000 feet, taking a sub-orbital journey complete with a short period of weightlessness. The series shows the maverick entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson as he makes the historical developments required to send the first commercial flight to space. Branson is leading the pioneers in space tourism, and plans to have 50,000 travel to space in the first decade of operation.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on National Geographic |
- Season 1