Diary of a Wimpy Kid Treats
"Diary of a Wimpy Kid Treats" is a live-action/animated short television series by FOX Kids Productions for 20th Century Fox, in co-operation with Color Force and Dune Entertainment, featuring the characters from the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series. The episodes air on 20th Century Fox Channel and 20th Century Fox XD. The series first broadcast was on October 25, 2010. Not exclusive to television, the episodes have also premiered as theatrical shorts, such as with the 2010 animated video game adaptation "Team Fortress: The Movie". On October 30, 2012, the series was released on DVD and Blu-ray by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment featuring 2 brand new episodes. The episode "Greg Heffley Returns" will be the first of season 3 and will be aired on October 29, 2013.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on | Daily
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 3