Great American Road Trip
"Great American Road Trip," from BBC Worldwide, is a hilarious and relatable new series where seven families from divergent backgrounds are selected to take the journey of a lifetime. Over eight episodes, the families will travel through cities large and small, all while competing in a medley of humorous challenges that will ultimately lead one family to victory. These comical, clever challenges are set against iconic American backdrops like the majestic Grand Canyon and the regal Washington Monument. Along the way, our families and our viewers will also discover quirky American landmarks, ranging from the World's Largest Chair to a sneaker the size of a car. Although family fun is the centerpiece of the show, the competition is real and one family will be eliminated each week based on their performance in the challenges. Ultimately, only one family will return home with a dream prize that perfectly complements their extraordinary and memorable summer vacation.
Track 0 trackers | Status: Ended | Airs on NBC | Monday
- Season 1